Alla inlägg under juni 2011

Av wettergren - 22 juni 2011 13:30

Today we had a comparatively short morning walk. Once inside we got ready to bake muesli slice. Freya enjoys seeing all the ingredients go in, we count out how much we need and carefully mix it all together. The best part of cause is licking it off the spoon. During morning singing time Freya is participates more when Denzil is there to help. It is amazing how quickly words are learnt – Though this morning I have introduced some new winter songs. Including a new song about a pony and a rider. At morning tea play time Denzil and Freya were playing horse riders together. Freya on Pony-Horse and Denzil on an imaginative great white horse. Freya giggled and laughed when Denzil chased her about. It's lovely to see Denzil make Freya laugh, she gets a lot more stimulation out of an older child as oppose to little Ahliah. I remembered another horse I had and brought it out for Denzil to ride. All of a sudden Freya through Pony-Horse to the ground, declaring he was no longer fit for riding. I called the vet! Denzil came riding up on his stead, with cream and soon had Pony-Horse back on track....and they were off. This example is a little moment in the day which may have escalated, but in respecting the game and showing sensitivity to Pony-horse we were able to move on. Later in the day Freya also enjoyed a ride on the new horse whom she named Roxy.

 23.06.2011 During play Freya is asking Ahliah to interact more.


She wants Ahliah to follow and sit here and hold this, but don't knock this one down. It's wonderful to see their relationship build and to see how Freya is so sympathetic towards Ahliah. Though it will be great to have more play friends for Freya, who are more at her level of communication and imaginative play.

Av wettergren - 18 juni 2011 11:30

Pappa har gjort en till video på mig.  Kramar

Av wettergren - 15 juni 2011 13:00

            Today we enjoyed a walk in the garden – the weather was very rainy, but we delighted watching dripple drops role down leaves, collecting oranges from the orchid, carrots from the vegetable garden and star leaves from beneath the stary leaf tree.


            Freya loves to go on morning walks and asks lots of questions about plants and and the way they grow. We planted some bulb babies last Wednesday, we made our way to the tree under which we planted them to see, but we couldn't see any shoots yet. However we did see some little shoots in the pots! Freya very gently stroked the tiny shoots.

            The garden is such a lovely place to experience wonder and anticipation. Freya's enthusiasm to explore and learn is a wonderful asset which will enhance many life experiences to come.



            When we were collecting leaves from beneath the stary leaf tree, said how lovely the leaves were. I agreed they are very beautiful. Freya told me she had painted them for Mother Stary Leaf Tree. 2 weeks ago I told a story of how Mother Stary Leaf Tree was waiting to be painted by the autumn colour dances. And finally one night they came and painted her in the most beautiful autumn colours.


            During our morning tea play time Freya was playing with all the spoons and forks. She had been cooking in the kitchen and serving everyone food. Before gathering up the spoons and forks and taking them to a quite part of the room where she lay them on the floor. “I'm building a house.” Freya placed them on the floor, but soon changed the pattern – laying them end to end. “I'm building a paddock. For the horses. A fence.” Soon the fence was complete and the horses and other animals came to the paddock.

            This is one of the first times I have seen Freya use her imagination to create a game with something which has another use. This imagination and creative play will develop in the next couple of years. Strengthening Freya's sense of individuality, life experiences, concepts and the brain to make ready for more abstract thinking used for reading.


            Today Freya was able to show Denzil a new game which was started last week with all the chairs from the lunch table. She carefully lined them all up to build a train. Freya was very busy. Even though she said what she was doing it wasn't so clear to Denzil.

            I only had to tell Denzil 'Freya is building a train.' and he very quickly took up the driver's seat. Freya hopped on and asked me 'where we going to next?' 'To the shops!' I replied. 'All aboard!' and the game was off. It was lovely to see the two children interacting more and beginning to play together.


Freya is still learning how to communicate with other young children. I feel this skill will develop very quickly over the coming year.


            We had a beautiful rainy morning walk. Lots of mushrooms have popped up, and the oranges are beginning to drop from the trees.

             Due to the rain I took out the train set. Freya helped to connect all the tracks together and was very keen to get the trains out (I only bring the trains out when the track is ready for trains). We managed to all work together so the the track could join and become a great loop.

            Freya and Denzil play quite well together even though they are at very different developmental stages. Sometimes they converse and other times they play alongside each other.

            We started to make our lanterns today. I'm not sure if Freya understands what we are aiming at, but she still enjoyed to paint a yellow painting and then a blue painting with cut out stars.


            Freya has been very happy to see both her mum and dad at pick-up. After a bit of a rough pick-up routine, its lovely to see her run to give them a hug.


            Today we had a quiet day, we enjoyed a rain walk be fore coming inside to warm our hands.

Freya kept asking 'what we are doing soon?' Today Freya needed more direction from me, she was my little shadow helping to cook and tidy.

            Freya asked if we could do painting, so we took out red and yellow. She covered the paper in yellow and then covered the yellow in red. It was a very strong painting. Painting can be very therapeutic  - the colour red can be very strengthening.


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