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Av wettergren - 30 november 2011 09:15

Freya 30.11.11


Freya arrived ready to start her day.

Freya was especially delighted with all the new flowers which have bloomed over the past week.

Freya and Ahliah enjoyed each other's company out in the garden. Together they explored all the new flowers, sat in
the penny royal and inhaled its perfume, and collected flowers in their wheel-barrows.


 We came inside to bake honey biscuits, Freya helped me to carry all the ingredients to
the table and both the girls did lots of very careful mixing. Later when we
were eating the honey biscuits – Freya recalled all the ingredients we put into
the yummy baking.


 During inside play Freya showed Ahliah how to put a bridal on the rocking horse and carefully
'led' Ahliah along. Next it was Ferya's turn on the horse and Ahliah led Freya
along. I have seen how Freya's communication skills have been improving; during
the game I observed how she was able to tell Ahliah what to do in a way Ahliah
could follow – this made both Freya and Ahliah happy.

For our midday activity we wrapped some butterfly mobile craft kits to donate to
the wishing tree (salvation army), Freya asked 'who is that present for?' I
explained it would go under the wishing tree and wait for a special child who
needs a special gift. Freya then said 'I could have that present.' I assured
her she would receive a special gift, but this one was to give away. All this
week we will be focussing on the giving aspect of Christmas.




 Freya arrived
with a smile. Freya is always happy to hear that Denzil and Jasmine will be
coming to play. Today Jamine brought a baby bird with her. All the children
were very curios and watched as I fed it throughout the day.


Freya enjoyed the outdoors, it lovely to have so many flowers in the garden for the children
to pick. Freya and Jasmine used some for decorating the basil plants and the
vegetable garden. The Freya wanted Jasmine to chase her saying 'You have to
chase me Jasmine!' This is one of Freya's favourite outside games to play with
the older children.


For our midday activity the children heard a story about a girl with very little, who
didn't get  Christmas presents, until one
special year when someone noticed Mirrianna with her kind heart and helping
hands. They wrapped a special gift and secretly left it at her front door with
a little anonymous note. From that day onwards Mirrianna enjoyed Christmas and
today she carefully makes gifts for the children who need a special surprise
and secretly leaves it on their door steps. The children eagerly started their
work and we felted coloured balls to give away. Everyone worked diligently.


 Freya became more withdrawn during the afternoon, when I approached her to try help, she
couldn't tell me what was wrong. Later I realised she needed to poo, there is a
lot of anxiety around using the toilet for poos. I tried using her success with
peeing on the toilet as a motivation – explaining once it was hard to wee on
the toilet but now she can do it so well.



Freya arrived happy and well. But seemed to go up and down with her emotions; sometimes
withdrawn or upset over minor misunderstanding with the other children and
other times really extroverted as she joked and laughed. I tried to support
Freya by being calm and reassuring and not allowing her to get too over excited
and being sympathetic when needed.


 It has become quite a routine on arrival to greet the garden and look at all the new flowers,
shoots and any other surprises. Today we found some millipedes; Jasmine's very
good at handling little garden friends and quickly befriended one on her hand.
The other children soon followed and all the millipedes were introduced to each
other and made 'good friends'.


 In the past couple of weeks our morning circle has been filled with songs and verses about the
garden and little helping insects. Freya now knows all the songs and delights
in singing along, it seems many of the songs have inspired more interest in the
garden, which is wonderful.


Our midday activity was drawing; We carefully drew cards to go with our felt ball gifts to
go under the wishing tree.


Freya took lots of time with her card; she filled
the card with colours of the rainbow, we tied the cards to the roly-poly balls
with a gold ribbon and put them into our basket. A gift to make a special child
happy on Christmas day!


 In general the day was filled with excitement and lots of energy – after lunch we went out
for a run and found that Roxy and Sammy our little dogs had come out to play.
The children had lots of fun throwing the stick for Roxy. Freya gave Sammy lots
of gentle pats – his favourite thing in the world, by the end Roxy was
exhausted and we put her back in her yard to rest; just as we too went inside
for our rest.

Av wettergren - 16 november 2011 00:30

Freya 16.11.11


Freya arrived with a beautiful sunny flower. We quickly readied ourselves and went out into
the garden to pick flowers, Freya has learnt many of the flower names and has
her favourites which she likes to pick.


Once in our back garden we sorted all our treasures and had a look at all the plants
and seedlings. Today Freya needed her own space and didn't want Ahliah too near
– soon the girls settled themselves in different parts of the garden and
occasionally crossed paths. It is good to see Freya communicate her needs.

          Freya was
picked up early.



 Freya arrived very happy and chose to play inside; building lots of things with all kinds of
materials. First small coloured cardboard was used to build a rainbow, then
blocks were used to build and soon the fairies moved in. Freya very much wanted
her own space away from Ahliah, who wanted only to be right next to Freya. I
decided to move outdoors where we could all get some space.


Freya was very excited when Jasmine arrived – she really enjoys the company of the other
children. We soon went to pick some herbs for our baking – there are so many
things to see in the garden that by the time we came indoors and settled at the
table it was morning tea time. Baking was pushed back to midday and all the
children were very happy to fill their hungry tummies.


At inside play the children were drawn straight to the large cardboard box and soon there
was a family of birds nesting and 'tweeting', cushions and blankets were piled
into the box. Denzil is great at organising and likes to know what everyone's
role is in the game, if someone can't choose what they want to be he gives a
couple of suggestions and if still a decision is not made Denzil will nominate
their role; Freya was nominated the Hen, Denzil was a rooster and Jasmine chose
to be the chick (first in the egg). Today Freya was happy to follow and be near
the older children, she makes lots of eye contact and funny sounds to try make
them laugh, sometimes they all end up in fits of laughter, but today the other
children were in serious play mode. Freya then started to build a nest and play
alongside the other children.


We spent the lunch play outside, all geared up for the rain. Flower cooking continued as
usual and the garden decoration were relocated. Freya took a more onlooking
position and took in all that the other children did. She was very excited when
I brought out the scraps and we took a walk to the chicken pen and ate plums
straight off the tree! Yum!


We spent the afternoon inside drawing and looking through our portfolio folders – the
children love to look over the photos and recall all the things they have done.


   Freya arrived in good spirits. We spent the morning outside; seedlings, buds and Flowers were
checked, we went and picked plums from the tree. Soon the other children
arrived, the garden decorations were rearranged and then we went for a walk. We
wondered underneath the macadamia tree and then on up the hill a little way to
the wisteria vine, where the children pushed there way into a wonderful green
cubby. It was very cool, Freya looked up at the twisted vines.



 We then came in for morning tea. Afterwards Freya was immediately drawn to the box, the
other children joined and birds appeared. Denzil then brought out wool worms,
but soon the wool was transformed into string and used to tie each other up;
Freya became the person, the other children a horse or dog. Today I saw Freya
take on a leading role with the older children and she gave them some great obedience
training and had so so much fun leading them along; if knots untied or her
animals got tangled she was very quick to adjust things. It was lovely to see
Freya shine.


 Freya and Ahliah's relationship is shifting; Ahliah is beginning to push boundaries and
assert her will, Freya doesn't quite know how to react. Ahliah swings between
being very affectionate towards Freya to hitting or pulling Freya's hair – all for a great reaction.

When Ahliah goes to Freya her immediate reaction is to flinch away and tell Ahliah 'stop!' even if Ahliah comes with a smile – It seems Freya has difficulty reading Ahliah's body language/intentions.

Usually when I give an explanation of Ahliah's intent, Freya is quite happy to let Ahliah hug her or touch her beautiful hair. We are all encouraging Ahliah to do the things we like, such as give hugs rather than hit, or help in games.


It would be interesting to have your feedback on how your kids respond to other children coming into their personal space uninvited.

Av wettergren - 9 november 2011 00:15

Freya 09.11.11


Freya arrived and settled quickly into our morning walk – it has become a Wednesday routine
to pick a bunch of flower for our table. Today we found pink, purple and golden
flowers to dress our table.


The old roses Freya used for outdoor baking, 'I'm making rose petal jam' Freya said. The process took much of the morning and continued into our other outdoor play times throughout the day. My main tool
(both educational and disciplinary) when working with the children is the power
of imitation. Freya has settled into this environment, listened to stories and
been involved with practical and purposeful activities, she has had the
opportunity to absorb and digest concepts and skill which are later reproduced
and practised in her play – making rose petal jam is a direct link, but I also
see Freya imitate and practice skills witnessed in all aspects of her life.


The day flowed really well. Ahliah is understanding more which means she can engage
better with Freya. Freya communicates really positively with Ahliah the
majority of the time – in the afternoon Freya invited Ahliah to her house and
offered her a ride on her rocking horse. This shows their close friendship and
Freya's love for Ahliah. As children build positive relationships with those
around them they also establish a healthy self esteem, a wonderful spring board
into life.



 Freya arrived with a smile and started playing immediately with Ahliah in the cardboard box.
They were having so much fun that Freya didn't want to go out for our usual morning walk.

We made up for it later in the day with Denzil – who found some great climbing trees and inspired Freya to persevere with all her strength to pull herself up to join him in the branches.


 Freya loves to laugh and giggle with Denzil and had fun playing with words – it started
with Ahliah-moo (a nickname I sometimes use), then Denzil said 'Ahliah-cow' and
Freya chimed in 'Ahliah-leaf' and so the game went to and fro, with lots of
laughs in between. It is wonderful to see Ferya's use of words. Denzil often
likes to find rhyming words, Freya is soaking it all up.


There was lots of 'flower baking' in the back garden. The children carefully mixed all
kinds of things together. Once Denzil went home I was invited into the cubby,
Freya sang Happy Birthday to Ahliah, instructed her to blow out the candles and
served a beautiful flower cake to all. We then went to sleep and waited for
Father Rooster to wake us in the morning. Freya called out in her loudest voice
'Cock-a-doodle-doo Good morning to you!' It's wonderful to see how comfortable
Freya is with Ahliah and myself. Later I was even asked for a cuddle – which
made me feel extra special. So I can positively say, Freya and all had a
wonderful day together.

Av wettergren - 2 november 2011 00:00

 Freya 02.11.11


Freya arrived and fell straight into a game with Ahliah. Freya seems to really thrive on a
good routine and has developed a great transition routine in the mornings. We
picked a bunch of flowers for the table. Freya wanted some for herself as well
and used them in the playground to cook with. Freya made the most beautiful
food with all the coloured flowers and added herbs to make it smell extra good.



Freya shows a beautiful caring, protective nature towards Ahliah – this has only really
consistently taken place in the past couple of months. During our morning walks
Ahliah will at times stop following or take a new course all together. Freya is
very aware of Ahliah and will tell me when Ahliah moves too far away. Freya
will often go galloping after Ahliah and encourage her in the right direction.


 We went to the mulberry tree and filled our tummies with sweet mulberries. Freya was doing
her best to keep her clothing clean, but they are ever so juicy and ended up
all around the her mouth.

The day was spent in close proximity with each other – the girls enjoyed the spiral
garden, where Freya was leading the game as birds nesting. Ahliah is beginning
to imitate and follow simple directions which makes Freya happy. We sailed the
boat with the guinea pig, read books and went for strolls around the garden.



When Freya arrived Denzil and Jasmine were very keen to say hello and beckoned her over to
the table; they wanted to show Freya the three silkworms all spun their
cocoons! Children are wonderful observers, not a beat gets missed.


During morning tea play the children picnicked from their cardboard box, Freya brought
the horses along with her and Jasmine the bunnies.


 For our midday activity we built an obstacle course, using cushions, string to climb
over, a long belt to balance along on the floor, the tunnel, balls, a wooden
spoon and lemon for balancing. Freya followed over the string and through the
stand, but stopped at the belt and watched as the other children placed one
foot in front of the other to balance across it. Freya than sat herself nearby
and watched. I offered her to do which ever part she liked, Freya didn't
respond and stayed put. When Freya is met with a new challenge she will often
watch and only join when she is sure she will succeed.


 Outside Freya and Denzil began to dig over the new garden, Jasmine asked if we could plant
some seeds. We found a flower seed medley which needed a sunny position, so we
chose a sunny patch along the fence and the children began to dig and pull out
grass and roots. It was a lot of work, but with great determination we
succeeded. We found a garden spider with an egg, which the children watched for
a long time.  Freya helped squash all the
lumps in the soil and pick out the roots. Freya then went off to play.... All
the focus and rewards in this activity were definitely in the process and not
the outcome, which shows how much the children really live in the moment.


Freya introduced the other children to flower cooking and soon we had a trio of cooks
and flower collectors – it is lovely to have such an abundance of flowers which
the children can explore and play with.

Av wettergren - 26 oktober 2011 00:45

Freya 26.10.11


We had a really lovely talkative day with Freya today. We went for a short walk and then
indoors to the warmth. Freya and Ahliah enjoyed playing in the cardboard box


At morning tea and lunch Freya spoke a lot about her life, including her bunny and guinea
pig, the horses she has ridden on, Roxy the horse, bush walking, the flowers growing in her garden and the red strawberries. Often on a Wednesday Freya speaks more – as the older children are not here to do all the talking.

It is lovely to listen to Freya as she talks about the things she is interested in
and the big moments in her life.


During inside play Freya didn't seem to slip into a game as usual. I read a couple of stories
with her and then took out a bucket of warm lavendar water and started cleaning
to toys. Freya immediately said she would clean too, Ahliah also joined in.
Freya started on the dolls house ans as she cleaned a game emerged; The dolls
had a very dirty house and they needed somewhere nice to live, as Freya cleaned
she carefully set each room up.


At outside play, Freya was keen to uncover the sandpit to see the turtles (last week we
built some turtles in the sand). Freya's memory is getting better and better –she is able to absorb a lot in her environment; things that Ahliah does, conversations between myself and the other children are often reflected in
things Freya says. Freya loves stories and remembers repetitive and rhythmical
parts really well.

Our midday activity was painting. Freya chose red and yellow to paint with. The
colours merged together and created a glowing orange. Freya painted a spring
garden with lots of sunshine – in the end it covered the entire page.


 In the afternoon Freya taught Ahliah how to play the chasing game. She giggled and
laughed as Ahliah ran after her – then Freya turned around to get Ahliah! The
round garden makes for a perfect chasing circuit.



Freya, Ahliah and I enjoyed a morning rain walk. We saw that the rose bush was hanging to the
ground, the branches so laden with roses! We visited the horses and said a quick hello to the garden before coming inside to the warmth.

When all the children had arrived, with rain coats we went to the rose bush to collect a big basket of roses. Inside we sorted the petals and filled a large pot to make rose petal jam. In the afternoon the children each received a glowing red jar of rose petal jam.


Freya was great with the older children today, she dressed as a princess and soon became
a fairy alongside Jasmine. They joined with Denzil and played uninterrupted through till lunch. Freya was speaking more with the other children today and even offering assistance with a puzzle. Over the past weeks I have seen her
follow in games and imitate, today when the older children negotiated games
Freya would elect to take on certain roles, which was great to see.


 At outside play time, the children let out lots of energy, as they enjoy running, chasing
and wrestling. One of the children introduced a game where one person is captured
and tide up, only to escape again – it's like a version of 'cops and robbers' or 'police'. Freya and Jasmine took turns at being tide up. Sometimes children like to play a bit of a scary game, it is another emotion to be explored within
the safety of a game. I was close by to monitor and made it clear that anyone could say 'stop' at any time.

They were all very good at practising their strength, whilst listening and being careful of the 'captured' person.


Freya was very excited to show everyone the red strawberry growing – we have been
patiently waiting till it is ready to eat....I think tomorrow will be the day.


 This morning I introduced a new morning circle – we still have a strong spring theme, but I
have added some verses about insects and a German verse about two birds in a nest.

These new verses will cover many of our weekly themes and stories heading up to the Christmas break.


During the morning tea break the children played inside. The cardboard box is still holding together, it was transformed into a nest, the girls transformed themselves into princesses and the game picked up from where it left yesterday.
Soon a chair cubby was added, where Jasmine and Freya set up house inside.


I had planned to do drawing for our midday activity but instead we made some birds – I
thought this might bring some more cohesiveness to the children's games.

They each chose a colour and together we practice tying a knot and twisting the wool. The children were all very excited about their new creations and flew off to play immediately.... Unfortunately I had to call them all back for lunch.   After lunch we played outside. Denzil and Jasmine played quietly in the garden with their
birds while Freya built really strong and straight sand castles in the sandpit, she has been practising a lot.


Freya then joined me with the guinea pig, she sat very calm and held the guinea so gently.

Freya has bonded with him most out of all the children, she enjoyed letting him run in the boat and tickled him as
he skipped and played.

 Freya occasionally would fly her bird over to the older children and watch for a while before returning to my side. We talked about the guinea and the garden and then Freya spoke about Grandma Hen, who I took over to mum's house a few weeks ago, as she was getting too old. No one asked after her and eventually she passed away.

Denzil happened to ask last week during play time, Freya must have picked up on the conversation; as she reconfirmed with me today, that Grandma Hen is up in the sky flying with Mummy's horse.

 This emphasised to me the amount Freya is absorbing and understanding in her environment.

Av wettergren - 19 oktober 2011 07:00

Freya 19.10.11


Freya arrived ready to start her day. We started with a visit to the mulberry tree and picked
lots of juicy-sweet mulberries. We also collected extras to bake mulberry
muffins. We then fed the horses and visited the dogs. As it was such a lovely
morning we spent it in the garden, greeting the plants and holding our little


After morning tea Freya was happy to play inside. Together Freya and Ahliah looked at books
and then I directed the children to a large cardboard box in the lounge room.

Freya was very excited as it makes an excellent cubby house. Soon we took out
the crayons and the house was being decorated from top to bottom. Freya has so
much strength and will – she poured it into her work and soon we had a beautiful
cubby. This became our midday activity. A window was added and the two girls
giggled as they went in and out – opening and closing windows and doors.


After lunch we played outside in the sandpit – Freya built sandcastles over and over again,
squashing them to the ground. Once again showing her strong will and
perseverance. Freya seems to be experiencing herself and the world in a very
outgoing manner.



Freya arrived bearing a flower for Ahliah and mum.

We picked more mulberries and fed the horses just as Jasmine arrived. Before long we found ourselves looking for
seeds and checking our little plants in the back garden. Freya began to dig
with the big garden tools, soon the other children joined her. I directed them
into a corner of the garden where we are planning a new garden. All morning the
children worked digging over the garden. Soon it was time to go inside to bake
sunny buns, we added some mulberries to colour them – they added a good flavour


After morning tea the children played inside. They started in the cardboard cubby house and
coloured the walls – Freya preferred to ride her horse around and soon found
another game with the toy bunnies in the playroom. Just as she began to build
them a little home, Denzil had the idea to build another cubby. I helped and
soon we had a cubby house with blue dolphin printed cloth. Freya and Jasmine
set themselves up inside – it was their 'house in the sea'. Freya read books
and rested, the girls played quietly together. Every now and then Ahliah or
Denzil would visit.


 For our midday activity we painted flower pots. Jasmine carefully coloured each side of
hers, each colour had its own place. Tomorrow we will plant some flower seeds
in them.

 Freya was in a very positive space today. She loves to play chasing with the other
children and ran around in the heat until her face was red – even when I
encouraged cooler games, Freya was determined to run and wrestle. I introduced
tug-of-war, but Freya was unclear about which way to pull and preferred to just



Freya arrived with smiles. Jasmine was already here, Ferya quickly chose her favourite seat
at the table and went riding out into the back garden. Freya's favourite game
has been chasing and soon she invited Jasmine to chase her. When Freya plays it
is more about running and laughing together – the older children often add in
extra rules. Today Jasmine wanted to play 'tip', where one person has to tip
another and then that person becomes the chaser, who then tips another. I'm not
sure if Freya understood the game or whether she just wanted to run and laugh –
as she was already having so much fun. The tip game never quite eventuated.


For baking we made mulberry pancakes topped with yoghurt – which everyone thoroughly enjoyed
for afternoon tea – Freya enjoyed hers with yoghurt.


We had a story about how giving Mother Mulberry tree is. She becomes one of the happiest
trees in the garden as she always has happy visitors enjoying her gifts of
sweet mulberries and shade green leaves.


Just before lunch we filled our flower pots and chose three different kinds of flower seeds to plant.

We will keep them here until there are some happy strong plants growing and then we will
send them home. Our morning circle is all about the little seeds sleeping and
waking up to push up shoots and wriggle down little roots. With the help of
Sunny Sun and the Water drops there grows a beautiful garden. This theme has
filled the children as they play and sing in the garden.


 A couple of weeks ago I wrote about Freya learning to say 'No' in a positive way. There are
times when Freya all of a sudden stops playing with the other children and
stops talking to them. I have noticed this is often when Freya no longer wants
to play or something has happened which Freya doesn't like. I have been trying
to help Freya with communicating 'No thank you' to the other children, or
helping freya to find a positive way of solving the problem.

Av wettergren - 12 oktober 2011 07:00

Freya 12.10.11


Freya arrived happy and well. We got Ahliah ready and went for our morning walk. We took a
basket and scissors to pick a bunch of spring flowers for our table. Freya
enjoyed finding all the bright flowers in the garden.


We made fruit salad together and Freya did lots of great cutting – sometimes I needed to
adjust her hold on the butter knife.


 Freya and Ahliah have established a wonderful relationship. Some of their day they are
directly interacting, at other times they are following each other or playing
side by side. When I put Ahliah to bed she went to Freya and gave her a kiss
good bye, Freya smiled.


Freya and I decided to wash Roxy and Sammy (our small dogs). We got everything ready and
Freya helped lead the dogs over. She was very calm and speaking to them in a
very friendly manner. Both the dogs seek Freya's attention; Roxy loves to chase
sticks and Sammy sat right beside Freya where ever she stood. Once I had washed
the dogs Freya had fun playing with them till they dried.

 We spent the afternoon in the sandpit where Freya cooked lots of yummy muffins and
showed how well she remembers all the ingredients used to make tasty sweets.




Freya, Ahliah and I enjoyed a morning walk and a visit to the horses and the dogs. Freya
loves to run down the hill. Freya is very patient to wait for Ahliah and even
goes back to fetch Ahliah. The morning walk is a great way for everyone to
learn how to walk together.


When Denzil arrived Freya quickly started a fun run-about game in the back yard. She loves
to be running and outgoing with Denzil and will often initiate these kind of
games. Sometimes the older children will play more focussed and quiet games –
which often involves lots of negotiation and communication. Freya often leaves
these games and plays something she is more interested in. It is goos to see
Freya is happy to continue with her own interests, but I have also seen Freya
observe the children at play – as her peer communication skills grow she will
be completely involved in these games.



After morning tea, all of a sudden there were hopping bunnies inside. Freya joined in and the
bunnies hopped about until craft time. Jasmine was the Mother rabbit and took
good care of her babies. I heard Denzil repeating part of a story I have told a
few times in the past about a little Bunny, Cotton tail who learns all the
things bunnies need to know to grow up. It is wonderful to see how stories can
inspire games as well as teach. Freya followed with laughs and giggles and hid
quietly from the fox when ever Denzil pointed it out. It was great to see Freya
so involved.



   This morning Freya arrived with a smile. We greeted the animals and visited the mulberry
tree. Freya got to taste the sweet mulberries – which she enjoyed very much. We
picked some extra ones for the other children to taste too. We all had a hold
of Flicker Guinea pig, he has settled in well. By then it was time to go in for


Jasmine, Freya and Denzil played really well together. At outside play they raced around
for at least 15 minutes chasing and wrestling each other to the ground, there
was so much laughing. Soon Freya was so exhausted she lay on the grass for a
while to get her breath back.


During inside play the children were eagles soaring and circling. Denzil explained to the
other children how the eggs need to be kept warm and then they can hatch and
when they are four weeks old they can leave the nest. Freya built a very
comfortable nest in between the sofa, she was a very tiniy chick for most of
the game, snuggled in her nest. It is great to see each child bring their
interests and personality to their games.


At morning tea we got to meet our new Silkworms. All week we have had stories about Softy
the Silkworm hatching from her egg and munching on mulberry leaves. Once she is
filled up she begins to spin her cocoon and sleeps. One special morning
Mirrianna discovers there is a silk moth dancing with moon wings, soon they
will lay their eggs and the cycle begins again.


 For our midday activity we felted green mulberry leaves, a small yellow egg and a Softy
Silkworm. At rest time I told a Silkworm story using the felt pieces. At the
end of the day the children excitedly showed their dads our silkworms.

Av wettergren - 5 oktober 2011 09:00

Freya 05.10.11


Frey arrived happy and calm. Freya often brings gifts – whether it's an extra packet of
raisin for Ahliah,  a flower or a treasure form the garden – this is a lovely way for Freya to bridge the gap
between home and care. It is also a very generous gesture. Today Freya brought
a specific colour nail polish for each of us to paint our nails with.

 It is lovely for Freya to have this quiet Wednesday together. She is able to play so
imaginatively. Today Freya went straight to the play kitchen after morning tea
and announced she would cook something. Soon her baby came out and needed
dressing and then was taken for a morning stroll.


Ahliah has been teething, I used the last of Ahliah's teething relief medicine and gave the bottle and dropper
to the girls to play with.  Freya nursed
her baby back to health with medicine, Cream, porridge and a big sleep. It is
amazing how well Freya knows remedies for good health – she has had great
people to imitate around her.


The game slowly drifted to the wooden animals and then into the dolls house; Freya and
Ahliah play side by side most of the time. They give each other ideas but don't
communicate their ideas to each other. Freya is slowly beginning to communicate
her ideas in games to the other older children and experiencing both leadership
and following role plays.


 For our midday activity we set up our guinea pig enclosure with soft straw, water and
food. A young male guinea pig named Flicker has moved in. He is a little
nervous, but Freya spoke very kindly to him and fed him lots of tasty grass.
Caring for an animal is a great way for children to learn compassion,
responsibility, love and respect for living things.


 Freya arrived happy and well. She found a place for her drink bottle and went out to
play. As the other children arrived we looked around the garden to see what
changes we could find; the apple tree is blossoming, we spotted one tiny shoot
in our vegetable punnets and the corn is slowly getting taller along the fence.
We greeted our new little pet guinea pig Flicker, who is slowly settling into
his new home. The children were all very gentle and picked lots of nice treats
from the garden.


Our midday activity was painting. Today I wanted the children to paint the blue ocean waves
and yellow sunshine. We also painted a red piece of paper to make a boat –
These we will finish next week. Freya painted her whole page in the ocean blue
waves and painted a bright red boat.


 The children played together much more today, we read some stories on the couch, then the
cars came out and it was quickly agreed on how to share them, it's great to see
how the older children are able to incorporate the younger children into their
games and take turns.


Outside it was raining a little and the children ended up in the cubby-house. Five
children in one small cubby would seem like chaos – but they all worked really
well together. Darcy was door man and set up a password for entry, Jasmine went
shopping for ingredients and Freya and Denzil organised a picnic. Ahliah seemed
busy cooking. Cups of tea were shared and the game lasted until Denzil and
Darcy were picked up.



 Freya and Jasmine then built little flower gardens using the soil we dug over for our new
vegetable garden. The flowers were planted in the rich soil and carefully
watered in. We have been planting and caring for our garden so much and it is
wonderful to see the children use and practice this new knowledge in their



We spent the morning befriending our little Flicker guinea pig – he is still a little shy –
Freya loves to hold him and picks lots of sweet grass.


   Our baking story included a walk in the garden – misty mist had left tiny due drops
hanging form every shoot, leaf and petal, as Sunny Sun shone his light down to mother
earth the garden was transformed into a rainbow jewel garden. Freya and Jasmine
were on the edge of their seats as the listened. Alas Mirrianna (Our main
character) had to come inside for baking....


 Later at playtime I found Freya and Jasmine in the playroom with the coloured clothes.
They were building rainbow gardens, Freya built a little fairy out of feathers.

I introduced some other small simple knot dolls, who were quickly transformed
into fairies. The girls played side by side but were mainly engaged in their
own parts of the play garden. Freya sang as she played and flew her small
fairies in her beautiful rainbow garden.


We felted some crowns – this was lots of work. First we carefully laid the coloured wool,
then added warm soapy water and gently pressed the wool. Gradually we began to
rub the wool and soon we had to use all our strength to rub the wool and make
it into strong felt. Freya was very determined and worked diligently alongside
Jasmine. Freya seemed pleased with her crown and wore it for the rest of the

At times Freya's communication is great with me and the friends around her. Other
times she seems to close up. Jasmine was repetitively inviting Freya to play
and offering her special toys, but Freya kept running away or turning her back
to Jasmine. I gently explained that Freya could say 'No thank you.' and Jasmine
could play her own game until Freya wanted to play with her again.


 Freya is a great leader and has lots of wonderful ideas. I feel when she 'closes up' it is
because there is something she doesn't like or doesn't want to do – Freya is
learning how to communicate 'No' in a positive way.



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